About The Healthy Hiker
Hi! I'm Linda Murphy, AKA, The Healthy Hiker!
I'm a hiking enthusiast, whose passion for outdoor adventures was elevated to new heights in 2019...that year, I completed a mostly solo, 3,000km wilderness hike of the Pacific Crest Trail, from Mexico to Canada, while raising over $32,000 for victims of domestic violence. Keep scrolling to watch the vlog of my 6-month trek.
From March - September, 2019, I took a 6-month leave of absence from my career, my family, and my home, in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada...to hike the Pacific Crest Trail, completing 3,000km, from Mexico to Canada! At 57 years of age, I hiked alone and unsupported, backpacking my way through the desert, over mountain passes, and across rushing rivers, the equivalent distance and elevation changes, to ascending and descending Mt. Everest 16 times, all in an effort to raise awareness and funds for women and children who are victims of domestic violence.
I faced some of my worst personal fears, pushing my just-slightly-past-middle-age body to its limit, and missing my family to the very core of my soul, to raise funds for my local Women's Shelter, and for other shelters across our entire country, where every day, over 6,000 women and children who suffer from domestic violence seek safe haven from their abusers, and for violence-prevention education programs in Canadian schools.
Three years later, I completed Canada's oldest and longest continuous footpath, the Bruce Trail, over 45 days, hiking its entire 900km, and raising over $60,000 for victims of domestic violence, in the process.
I believe that if I'm going to do something hard, it must have a benefit to others, which gives me the drive to compete the challenge, especially when the going gets tough - and when it comes to long distance hiking, the going MOSTLY gets very tough!
Check out some of my vlogs below!
I love hitting the trails, in any weather, anytime, both near to home (Collingwood, ON, Canada), and in distant destinations! I started The Healthy Hiker Group on Facebook with the goal of sharing my passion through helping one another raise ourselves from inactivity, to healthiness and happiness, by hiking this gorgeous Earth. Let me know how I can help YOU or your group do the same.
Happy Trails!
Linda Murphy
Linda Murphy

336km East Coast Trail Days 15 &16 -The Big Finale!

336km on the East Coast Trail - Days 12 - 14 - A New Plan!

336km East Coast Trail - Days 9 -11; limping along the trail